Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I was going through my old files, and I found a scene from my senior thesis film from Pratt... THis wasn't the original version that I had created in school. This was the version I created that was more indicative of the style I animate in now.

TOday was spent going through my files and organizing. I know that I am forever organizing, but I have a LOT OF STUFF, ---at least it feels like it -- and I am still working at finding an organization system that works so that I know what I have, where I can find it, etc etc. Efficiency would be a nice skill to master, I have to admit. It's been my weakness for a really long time.

Files cleaned up today: "Tease," "Kitty Litter," "Voltaire's Deady," "Barf" as well as a couple more files-- there are a total of 30-35 files to go through... I think I have my work cut out for me, but I know these things pay off in the long run.

WEll, I hope at least.


joy said...

I tried loading this a couple of times, dosn't seem to work.

Have a super fine weekend Pop !

joy said...

OMG, I just noticed you took of that delayed thing for comments. That rocks !!!!!!!!