I like submitting work to creative competitions. I try to compete in an event at least once a year because seeing how my designs or illustrations play against the creative talents of others is always a good rush and swell of hope for my nerves. However, I must ALWAYS tell myself that taste is subjective because I have NEVER won any artistic competition in my life. Ever. So, I suppose my "rushes" and "swells of hope" are a lot like watching your kid strike out. Again.
Regardless, I still show up and I still throw my hat out there.
My latest attempt for rejection is for a good cause: The competition's sponsor, Threadless T's, will donate 100% of net proceeds from the sale of each tee to The American Red Cross's Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami fund. So everyone wins, and that's good.
Of course, it still sucks to see how many low scores were placed next to my design. Being aware this is a competition, one can't help but wonder what votes are genuine opinions or just plain sabotages (most creatives are such a picky, irrational, and insecure lot)... I noticed that EVERYONE has low scores, including, sadly, some very truly GREAT designs.

Please click HERE to help me flog myself publicly or vote for who you like. We all win here, but the focus are the tsunami victims. Let's keep them in mind, first and foremost.
Or just donate directly: Click here to donate to the RED CROSS
and remember:
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